Radar Cross Section of Sea and Ground Clutter Estimated by Two Scale Model and Small Slope Approximation in HF-VHF Bands
HF-VHF Radars are used in oceanography and sea surveys [1] because they can cover a larger distance than other radars. We can use this kind of radar in sea and ground environments. In these bands, phenomena associated with clutter [2] interfere with radar performance for ship and terrestrial vehicle detection. To improve radar performance, a measure called Radar Cross Section is calculated. We have studied Radar Cross Section in HF-VHF bands with the objective of determining the influence of sea and ground clutter. There are two categories of Radar Cross Section: exact methods [3] and approximate methods [4-8]. We have studied approximate methods because they are faster than exact methods. A common radar configuration is the bistatic configuration where transmitter and receiver are dissociated. The aim of this paper is to study Radar Cross Sections of clutter estimated by approximate models in HF-VHF bands in a bistatic configuration.